Sphinx Rocks Community, Northern NSW
Am feeling very un-inspired by the colours I have available for this bus project…
Paint colours are dull... pastel...
...with very minimal contrast. Not a good combination.
Not only feeling un-inspired & unhappy with the initial paint down, am also feeling daunted & blocked by the sheer size of the project [ it is a double decker bus afterall! ] and the idea that it’s a landscape [ as anyone even remotely familiar with me knows, I hate landscapes! ].
So am trying to think of the bus as just a really big ‘canvas’ and to look at it as something other than a landscape, which is definitely a challenge.
So have decided on a complete do-over!
To that effect the ‘canvas’ has been re-primed, the back of the bus is washed and a second coat of luscious off-white cream quality has been painted on.
Not an inkling of the old work shows through, no primer streaks, and although I doubt anyone else can see it, there’s a definite glow to this new base, AND Sam has supplied me with some brighter colours to play with :D
Sam's Art Bus is now the newly dubbed 'Sphinx Bus'
Am feeling better about it all already, wish me luck in my second attempt tomorrow!