Art by Jennifer Harnett


Jennifer Harnett's Australian Art Tour has come to an end... so has her stay in Lismore, Northern NSW.

"I have found some truly beautiful and awe inspiring places this trip, am very thankful for all the wonderful experiences I've had and look forward to the adventure continuing!"


Blue Skies & Narcissus Flowers

Taking advantage of the crisp clear blue skies here, I thought I would continue with the painting of the bus & keep some of those skies here!

Blue Skies on the Upper Deck

The man portrayed below is representative of Narcissus from Greek Mythology, with a bit of a twist… instead of falling in love with his own reflection, he sees the symbol of Universal Love reflected back at him.

Symbology from the Indian Kundalini have also been incorporated here. Man’s secret body, the coiling of the serpent force within the subtle body; the opposing solar & lunar energy channels, Pingala & Ida, spiraling round the central neutral channel, Sushumna, and the seven chakras (not all shown).

Narcissus Flowers

Narcissus with the symbol of Universal Love

Narcissus Flowers

There are a few different versions of Narcissus’ story, in all of them he was renowned for his beauty, was exceptionally proud and he rejected all who fell in love with him. The goddess Nemesis seeing this, drew Narcissus to a secluded spring and arranged for him to fall in love with his own reflection. In his obsession, he was unable to leave the beauty of his reflection. He refused to leave the pool to eat, nor would he disturb his image to drink, and so died of thirst, hunger and unrequited self-love.

All stories give origin to the narcissus flower, which grew where Narcissus died.

And so... will our Narcissus be unable to leave the reflection of Universal Love? Shall he die here?