After a few false starts, a few loop-de-loops, some delays and other waylays… CeeCee, Mr.Rainbow and I finally made it to Sydney
Pottsville, Northern NSW Coast
Gibraltar Ranges NP, NSW
Raspberry Point Lookout, The Great Dividing Ranges of NSW
Mann Nature Reserve, 35km east of Glen Innes
LOVED the river, it’s sand & boulders, it’s noisy meandering ways…
Glen Innes, NSW
Australian Standing Stones, Glen Innes
Here's the REAL deal, Australian StoneHenge
StoneHenge Recreation Reserve, south of Glen Innes
Walcha's Open Air Gallery of Scupltures
Walcha's Open Air Gallery of Scupltures
Gloryvale Nature Reserve, another epic camp spot!
CeeCee, my co-pilot & navigator
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